Application for allocation of a Swiss company identification number (UID)
The application can be submitted without a signature or electronic identification in order to ensure the greatest possible customer focus and efficient and simple business processing. A signature or electronic identification can be requested subsequently if necessary.
From January 1, 2016, Liechtenstein companies will require a Swiss UID for business transactions with Swiss authorities. This also includes the Federal Customs Administration (FCA) and therefore cross-border trade in goods (import/export).
Any company based in Liechtenstein can apply for the allocation of a UID.Information on the Swiss UID in Liechtenstein can be found at www.uid.llv.liNote
The application for the allocation of a business identification number (UID) by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO) is made at your request. For this purpose, the Liechtenstein Office of Statistics (AS) transmits the following data to the FSO:
- Name of the company
- Address of the company
- Legal form of the company
- Branch of the company (NOGA code)
- Number of employees of the company
- Commercial register number (if registered)
- Status active / inactive or date of foundation / deletion in the Commercial Register Division
The core characteristics of companies domiciled in Liechtenstein that are entered in the Liechtenstein Commercial Register Division are automatically published in the UID register
The FSO allocates the UID and then sends it to the applicant in writing by post. The FSO also reports the assigned UID to the AS in Liechtenstein. The AS transmits updates of the above data to the FSO at regular intervals. This data is only available to the Swiss authorities.
By submitting your application, you consent to this procedure and the exchange of data between the Liechtenstein and Swiss authorities.Contact
Office of Statistics
Postal address
Äulestrasse 51
P.O. Box 684
9490 Vaduz
Visitor address
Haus Risch
Äulestrasse 51
9490 Vaduz
Opening hours
Monday to Friday
08.00 - 11.30
13.30 - 17.00
Monday to Friday
08.30 - 11.30
13.30 - 17.00
Holidays and off-duty days