Cadastre of Public Law Restrictions on Landownership (PLR-cadastre)
Owners of Liechtenstein real estate have both rights and obligations. The cadastre of public-law restrictions on landownership (PLR-cadastre) lists the most important restrictions that affect a plot of land on the basis of legal provisions and official decrees (e.g. building zones). The PLR-cadastre complements the land register, which contains the restrictions under private law. With the PLR-cadastre, public-law restrictions on property are presented centrally, reliably and easily accessible.
Access for third parties is provided via a cadastral extract, which can be accessed by anyone free of charge via the URL . For more information on the cadastre and instructions on how to call up an extract, please refer to this document.
Organization of the PLR-cadastre in the Principality of Liechtenstein
The law on the cadastre of public-legal restrictions on landownership (PLR-cadastre law; ÖREBKG) has been in force since July 1, 2018. According to the PLR-cadastre law, the Office for Civil Engineering and Geoinformation (ATG) is the body responsible for the cadastre (KVS). Within the office, cadastral management is the responsibility of the Surveying and Geoinformation Department. The department is responsible for the management of the cadastre and the provision of the cadastral infrastructure. It is also responsible for ensuring the availability of data and making the cadastre publicly accessible