Multilateral Development Cooperation
Multilateral Development Cooperation (Strategy, in German) is used to finance projects of international organizations or internationally active non-governmental organizations. This type of engagement is particularly relevant for problems that are of a global nature and for which the international community of states is jointly seeking solutions. In contrast to the projects of the LED, which are primarily targeted at the national level, this track can also be used to improve governmental and international framework conditions. Particular attention is paid to promoting good governance. This includes the commitment to human rights, the strengthening of the rule of law and democracy, and the fight against corruption and international crime. Central focal points of Liechtenstein's foreign policy, especially in the area of human rights, are thus additionally promoted within the framework of IHCD, which in turn underscores Liechtenstein's credibility. Worth mentioning in this regard is, for example, the commitment to the increased inclusion of women in peace-building processes or the protection of children in armed conflicts. Other priorities include the environment and sustainable development, and combating climate change.