Public transport
Public transport in the Principality of Liechtenstein is based on a very well-developed public bus service. In addition, a regional train operates on the ÖBB Feldkirch-Buchs section. The four stops Schaanwald, Nendeln, Schaan Forst and Schaan in Liechtenstein are located on this partial route.
The regular bus network connects all the municipalities in the country with each other and, beyond that, with Sargans (CH) and the border stations of Buchs (CH) and Feldkirch (A). In addition to the communities in the Rhine Valley, the mountain communities of Planken and Triesenberg as well as the excursion destinations of the Liechtenstein alpine region of Steg and Malbun are also well connected. Buses run regularly on the main lines from about 5:30 in the morning until midnight. Traveling by public transport in Liechtenstein is easy and, due to highly subsidized season tickets, also inexpensive.
All bus stops in Liechtenstein are created and operated by the Office for Civil Engineering and Geoinformation in cooperation with the Transport company LIECHTENSTEINmobil (VLM) Liemobil . Bus maintenance booths have been standardized and documented in a bus stop manual. In addition, binding standards and standard tender texts for these bus waiting cabins "Type Liechtenstein" have been developed for all new buildings. This significantly simplifies both construction, operation and maintenance.
- [pdf] Plangrundlagen Kabine Typ 3 Plangrundlagen Kabine Typ 3 als PDF
- [pdf] Plangrundlage Kabine Typ 4 Plangrundlage Kabine Typ 4 als PDF
- [pdf] Ausschreibungsunterlagen Kabine Typ 3 PDF Dokument zu Ausschreibungsunterlagen Kabine Typ 3
- [pdf] Ausschreibungsunterlagen Kabine Typ 4 PDF Dokument zu Ausschreibungsunterlagen Kabine Typ 4
Public transport in Liechtenstein is provided by the transport company LIECHTENSTEINmobil (VLM). The purpose of VLM is to ensure the provision of public passenger transport by designing, planning, organizing and marketing the range of services.
The VLM's mission is to provide an efficient, integrated and comprehensive range of public transport services. A distinction is made between a basic service, which is defined by the government by means of a service agreement, and which represent transport services on behalf of third parties.
The preparation of the timetable and the design of the tariff are the responsibility of the VLM, whereby in particular the minimum requirements with regard to quality and economic efficiency of the service provision must be met in accordance with the service agreement.
Based on the expenses for the creation of the basic service as well as the expected revenues from the regular service, the uncovered costs of the public transport result. These are financed by means of a financial resolution by the Landtag. The uncovered costs correspond to the state contribution to be financed.
According to the Passenger Transport Act, local public transport is to be provided as part of an integrated overall transport system. In addition, the mobility of the population should be ensured and the concerns of environmental protection, energy efficiency and traffic safety should be taken into account.
Local public transport shall be designed taking into account economic and business aspects with the aim of achieving an increased use of public transport. This is done according to the following principles:
- Safeguarding competitiveness against motorized individual transport through quality and capacity improvements;
- needs-oriented expansion of the range of services;
- Development of peripheral areas with an appropriate range of services;
- Guarantee attractive connections to the regional transport hubs.
The country ensures that public transport and other planning are coordinated, especially in the phased development of new connection systems and other measures. For more information on the bus preference concept, see Basics and Data.
The state promotes public transportation through targeted measures with:
- structural and technical measures;
- organizational and operational measures;
- commercial measures;
- financial contributions;
Förderung des öffentlichen Verkehrs, Gesetz
Grenzüberschreitenden Personen- und Gütertransporte, Gesetz
Güter- und Personenkraftverkehrsunternehmer - Zugang zum Beruf, Verordnung
Personenbeförderungsgesetz (PBG)