"August 28, 2024 - Maintenance Work on Electronic Official Gazette and Training Account

Dear Residents, Due to maintenance work, the online services of the LLV (Liechtenstein National Administration) will be only partially available on 04.09.2024 from 7:00 PM to approximately 8:00 PM. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards, Department of Information Technology

Cross-border services from abroad


A cross-border service provision (GDL) is a service provided by a foreign company in Liechtenstein. The GDL is of a temporary and occasional nature. If the foreign company's market presence in Liechtenstein goes beyond the temporary and occasional provision of services, the company must establish a registered office or a branch office in Liechtenstein, which is capable of obtaining any necessary permits.

The GDL may take place

a. independently by the foreign service provider itself and/or

b. by employees working on behalf of the foreign service provider in Liechtenstein.

In both cases (a and b), the service provider requires authorization to operate in the Liechtenstein market. The conditions vary depending on the industry: In certain industries, a license or a confirmation of registration is required, while in other industries a mere registration is sufficient. In some cases, proof of professional qualifications is required.

In case (b) the service provider provides the GDL by posting employees to Liechtenstein, the posting law is additionally applicable and a notification of the individual posting is usually required.

Also, regardless of whether employees are posted or not, the obligations under Ausländergesetz, in particular the notification and permit obligations, must be observed (Migration and Passport Office).