Security measure Withdrawal of driver's license for an indefinite period of time
According to SVG Art. 13, 14b, 16a and 16b, VZV Art. 28a and Art. 28c
Safeguarding withdrawals serve to safeguard road traffic against unsuitable motor vehicle drivers and are necessary for the following reasons:
- Failure to drive for medical reasons (e.g. illness, infirmity)
- Failing fitness to drive, due to addictive conditions (e.g. alcohol, drugs, medication)
- Failure to drive, because of character deficiencies (eg multiple repeated conspicuousness in road traffic, very dangerous offense in road traffic, not anxious or unable to drive without endangering or harassing others, has used a motor vehicle to commit a crime or several times to intentional offenses)
- Failure to drive competence (eg, inability to drive a motor vehicle correctly or does not know the traffic rules)
A security withdrawal is ordered for an indefinite period. The person concerned / the person concerned can apply for re-issuance of the card as soon as the suitability deficiencies are corrected. Depending on the case, this can be clarified with a traffic medical and/or traffic psychological driving aptitude examination. Driving competence is usually checked with an ordered control drive.
If the withdrawal period has lasted 3 years or longer, the reinstatement of driving competence is additionally combined with a control drive. If the withdrawal has lasted 5 years or longer, a completely new driving test will also be required.