Liquor license
Alcohol licenses are issued for:
- the trade in non-distilled alcoholic beverages, and
- the trade in distilled alcoholic beverages
Submitted with the application must be the business license issued by the Office of Economic Affairs with a corresponding entry (e.g., retail trade in wine and spirits)
The license is granted for the duration of one calendar year and expires at the end of the year.
Businesses which are in possession of a concession will receive the concession certificate without a new application at the beginning of the new year, unless otherwise notified.
Newly opened stores can also redeem the concession during the current year.
- CHF 100.-- for the trade of non-distilled alcoholic beverages
- CHF 100.-- for the trade of distilled alcoholic beverages
Legal basis
Ordinance on retail trade in non-distilled alcoholic beverages
Introductory Act to the Customs Treaty with Switzerland of 29 March 2003