Fighting corruption
One of Liechtenstein's main areas of activity is the fight against corruption. Since the beginning of 2010, Liechtenstein has been a member of the Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). Within the framework of GRECO, the Member States review each other's implementation of the recommendations of the Committee of Ministers for fighting corruption, the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, and other relevant recommendations of bodies of the Council of Europe. GRECO adopts evaluation and implementation reports. The joint first and second round of evaluations focused in particular on the independence and specialization of the national bodies tasked with preventing and fighting corruption. It also dealt with the scope and extent of immunities from prosecution, proceeds of corruption and the issues of "public administration and corruption" and "legal persons and corruption". The third evaluation round dealt with criminal law on corruption and party financing. The fourth evaluation round focuses on Parliament, Judges and Prosecutors. The fifth evaluation round focuses on persons holding public top executive functions in central government and law enforcement agencies.
Liechtenstein is a State Party to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and participates in the meetings of States Parties as well as in the intergovernmental review mechanism for the implementation of UNCAC. In this context, Liechtenstein is particularly committed to the areas of asset recovery and to the strengthening and further development of the UNCAC review mechanism. This includes peer reviews, in which Liechtenstein has so far participated four times as an evaluator (Brunei Darussalam, Italy, Ireland and France).