Baseline and planning for the 2019+ market analysis 

The Office for Communications (AK) is conducting a new market analysis of Liechtenstein's telecom market. As a first step, the Office for Communications has prepared a baseline and planning document, which is now being published in order to inform market participants and give them the opportunity to comment.

In the baseline and planning document, the Office for Communications uses statistical market data to examine market developments since the last market analyses were completed. The Office for Communications presents its preliminary assessment of current competition and points out potential regulatory measures in the various market fields. The present analysis covers both fixed-network and mobile services and extends to the retail and wholesale levels, including the infrastructure level. Furthermore, the consultation document contains the legal bases which are relevant for market analyses, as well as developments under European law which could materialise in Liechtenstein during the planning period.

The consultation document can be accessed here:

The Office for Communications is happy to accept statements by 7 February 2020. These should be emailed to [email protected] or submitted to the Office for Communications using the secure data submission form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Silvio Giorgetta, [email protected], tel. +423 236 64 86.


The Office for Communications received the following statements:


The evaluation of the comments and the answers to the specific consultation questions can be found in the final version of the baseline and planning document called "market analysis 2019 +":
