Transport technical examination
Examination of professional qualification to run a freight and passenger road transport company
Because of the Ordinance on the Examination of Professional Qualification to Run a Freight and Passenger Road Transport Enterprise, dated September 24, 1996 (last amended by LGBl. 2006 No. 261 dated December 12, 2006), an examination is usually held every two years. The Office of National Economy is responsible, which also chairs the examination board.
Decision on the conduct of the specialized examination
The examination is held as needed, usually every two years. If no course is held in one year due to lack of participants, the examination will not be held. The need may be determined by a call for applications, and then a decision will be made on holding an examination.
Fixing the date of the examination
The Office of Economic Affairs sets the examination date well in advance, coordinated with the respective ongoing training program at the Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce. The examination takes place two to three weeks after completion of the specialized course.
Call for the specialist examination
The announcement is made by newspaper advertisement, at the latest three months before the start of the examination. In the advertisement, information is provided about the holding of the specialist transport examination and it is pointed out that the registration must be made within four weeks.
Registration for the examination
After the announcement in the national newspapers, interested persons can register by means of Application Form for the Liechtenstein Specialized Examination in Transport at the Office of National Economy. The supporting documents listed in the form must be enclosed.
Exemption from examination subjects
Applicants may be exempted from individual examination subjects upon application if their knowledge is proven by appropriate certification, in particular university or technical college diplomas or certificates. Corresponding applications must be submitted at the same time as the application for the examination, but at the latest by the end of the application period.
Conduct of the examinations
Offer to the candidates
The exact schedule for the written and oral examinations is given to the participants of the examination one month before the examination. The chairperson will provide information about the examination schedule and will be available to answer questions from the participants. The examination is not open to the public and lasts three days.
Subjects of the Examination, Acceptance of the Examination
The subjects of the examination are described in the regulations. The regulations can be obtained from the Office of National Economy.
The examination experts of the individual subject areas are responsible for taking the examination. In cooperation with the instructors, they prepare the examination questionnaire with the individual subject questions and monitor the examination.
Examination graduates who pass the examination receive a certificate issued by the Office of National Economy confirming their professional qualification to run a freight or passenger transport company in accordance with the model set out in Annex III of Regulation No. 1071/2009/EC . This certificate entitles the holder to independently manage a road haulage and passenger transport company.
Güter- und Personenkraftverkehrsunternehmer - Prüfung der fachlichen Eignung, Verordnung
Zulassung als Strassentransportunternehmen und die grenzüberschreitenden Personen- und Gütertransporte auf der Strasse (Strassentransportgesetz; STG)
Zulassung und die Ausübung der Tätigkeit als Strassentransportunternehmen im Personen- und Güterverkehr (STUV), Verordnung
Contact persons
Sotirios Ioannidis [email protected] +423 236 68 93