Modernization and Expansion of

Since Thursday, February 20, 2025, the updated app is available for download in the Apple and Google app stores. Important note: With the new version, the biometric feature (Face ID and fingerprint) in the previous app will be disabled. Users must update to the new version and, after the first launch of the new app, re-enable biometric authentication in the settings!

Data protection notice Office of Education / public schools in Liechtenstein

In accordance with Art. 13 and Art. 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we inform you below about the manner and background to the processing of your personal data in connection with the activities of the Office of Education and the public schools in the Principality of Liechtenstein.

The following document (formerly the leaflet on data protection at schools) is available for download as a guide to the handling of personal data at schools:

Guide_Digital Teaching Materials

Handreichung Datenschutz an Schulen

Further information on the use of school IT can be found at the following link:

Guideline on the use of Office of Education IT

The following information applies equally to applicants and applicants or their legal representatives, contractual partners, teachers, school staff, pupils and other persons affected by the data processing of the Office of Education and the schools.

Office of Education
Giessen Service Center, Giessenstrasse 3, P.O. Box 684, 9490 Vaduz
Telephone (general): + 423 236 67 70
E-mail (general):


Please note that you can address questions about data protection directly to us (see also Contact at the end of this privacy policy). General questions about data protection in the area of the Liechtenstein National Administration and the Office of Education as an official body of the LLV can also be directed to the Data Protection Office as the data protection officer of the LLV.

For organizational reasons, a separate data protection officer has been appointed for the public schools in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Questions about data protection at the public schools can be directed to the contact listed at the end of this privacy policy or via email to with the addition "Data protection".

You can reach the Data Protection Officer of the Liechtenstein National Administration at the following address:
Data Protection Office
Peter-Kaiser-Platz 1
9490 Vaduz
Telephone: +423 236 73 08


The processing of personal data by the Office of Education and the public schools in the Principality of Liechtenstein is predominantly carried out on a legal basis and is related to the legally prescribed tasks of the school administration and therefore serves the implementation of legal obligations, sovereign measures or tasks in the public interest (Art 6 para. 1 let. c and e GDPR). The specific national legal bases for the processing of personal data by the Office of Education and the public schools are therefore set out, for example, in Art 80a, 81 SchulG, 48a LdG, Art 34, 25 StipG and the respective ordinances (see below), in each case in conjunction with Art 6 (1) (c) (legal obligation) and (e) (public task) GDPR and Art 9 (2) (b) (employment law) and (g) (substantial public interest) GDPR

Personal data may also be processed for contractual or pre-contractual purposes on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. This may be in connection with application procedures for school staff (see more information, for example, on the application portal "smartrecruiters" below) and in the context of the private sector administration of the Office of Education.

If the personal data are not processed on the basis of the public mandate or are not used for contractual or pre-contractual purposes, the processing is carried out in individual cases on the basis of consent in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) GDPR

The Office of Education has to fulfill a wide range of statutory tasks for the following purposes, in particular in accordance with the School Act (SchulG, LGBl. 1972.007), Lehrerdienstgesetz (LdG, LGBl. 2004.004), Hochschulgesetz (HSG, LGBl. 2005.002), Stipendiengesetz (StipG, LGBl. 2004.262) and other special laws and ordinances:

School Organization Ordinance (SchulOV), LGBl. 2004.154,

School Support Measures Ordinance (SchulFMV), LGBl. 2001.197,

Teacher Service Ordinance (LdV), LGBl. 2004.092,

Higher Education Ordinance (HSV), LGBl. 2011.337,

Ordinance on the Voluntary 10th School Year, LGBl. 1995.190,

Ordinance on the Vocational Secondary School, LGBl. 2001.160,

Ordinance on the Curriculum, the Promotion and the Matura at the Upper Level of the Liechtenstein Grammar School (LPMGV), LGBl. 2001.139

Ordinance on the Curriculum, the Doctorate and the Matura at Private Schools with Public Rights, LGBl. 2010.252,

Ordinance on the assessment of children and their promotion at elementary school, LGBl. 1995.121,

Ordinance on admission to and promotion and transfer to lower secondary level (PromSV), LGBl. 2001.140

Personal data is processed as part of the official activities of the Office of Education for the purposes specified by law. The purpose of processing personal data is to fulfill the legal mandate incumbent on the Office of Education and its bodies

On the basis of the laws and regulations listed under "Legal bases", the Office of Education carries out the following activities, which may involve the processing of personal data where necessary (see in particular Art 80a and 81 SchulG):

  • Organization and supervision of the school system and teaching in the Principality of Liechtenstein (e.g. coordination of class sizes, deployment of teachers, in short: all activities that are necessary for proper school operations and school supervision, as well as sick notes, organization of lessons and much more)
  • Assessment of teachers and pupils (grading, behavioral assessment)
  • Allocation to school districts, class allocation
  • Orientation of legal guardians and students with regard to promotions, transfers, skipping school levels, early admission, assignment to special schools, etc.
  • Assignment and application/use of digital teaching aids
  • Ordering special educational and educational-therapeutic measures
  • Integration into mainstream kindergartens and mainstream schools
  • Disciplinary measures under school law (deferral, early dismissal, deferral, exclusion from school, orders for "time-outs", etc.)
  • Education statistics, education controlling and research
  • Organization of school shuttle services
  • Public relations (press releases, website operation, etc.)
  • Video surveillance (e.g. SZU indoor pool) for the purpose of protecting life and limb

The Scholarship Office set up at the Office of Education carries out the following activities, which may involve the processing of personal data (see Art 34, 35 StipG) in the implementation of the Scholarship Act and the Scholarship Ordinance:

  • Examination of applications for the granting of educational aid and eligibility, calculation, determination and payment of educational aid and coordination with benefits from social benefit providers
  • Clearing, reclaiming, reimbursement, subsequent payment of educational assistance
  • Compiling statistics on training assistance and publishing these statistics
  • Deferral of loans
  • Transmission of personal data to other bodies entrusted with the implementation, control or supervision of the implementation of the StipG, bodies of the Social Insurance, Fiscal Authority, Office for Social Services, Office for Statistics, Migration and Passport Office; Courts of Law and Office of the Public Prosecutor; municipal authorities; Office for Vocational Training and Career Counseling

For more information on data processing by the Office of Education's school psychology service, please see here.

Further specific data protection notices of the Office of Education and the schools for special processing activities can be found here

DSE - Image recordings Office of Education

Privacy Policy_SmartRecruiters

Printer infrastructure privacy policy for Liechtenstein's public schools

Data protection declaration for Microsoft services, applications and applications via Office of Education (general)

Privacy policy for Microsoft services, applications and apps via Office of (in youth-friendly language)

Data protection declaration - Focus evaluation early language support

Data protection declaration - Check your knowledge

Data protection declaration - Open day at secondary schools

For further information on data protection in the Liechtenstein National Administration and on your rights as a data subject, please refer to the General Data Protection Declaration of the Liechtenstein National Administration.

The Office of Education and the public schools also process photographs (photos), videos and audio recordings on the basis of the consent of the data subjects or, in the case of underage pupils, the consent of their legal guardians, for the purpose of public relations and press work, for the creation of information materials and the Office of Education's websites, in short for the purpose of informing the public.

For specific information on data protection regarding the web presence at public schools, please contact your responsible school. Each school is responsible for its own website, or rather the responsibility lies with the respective website owners (in some cases this may be the municipalities as school authorities, which allow the municipal schools to have a presence on their websites).

The website of the Office of Education is part of the website of the Liechtenstein National Administration, for which the following special privacy policy applies:

Data protection declaration (

The following categories of personal data may be collected, recorded and further processed in the course of the activities of the Office of Education or public schools:

-      surname/first name and contact details (address, telephone number, email)

  • Date of birth
  • PEID
  • Gender
  • Residence / time of moving in
  • Language (first language/bilingual)
  • Nationality / information on residence status, if applicable
  • Current school / kindergarten / class / class teacher / responsible teacher
  • School history (previous schools / kindergarten / class etc.)
  • Teachers responsible / school social work
  • Family members (legal guardians/siblings/foster parents if applicable) (surname, first name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email, language, relationship to this relative)
  • Information on parental authority (e.g. whether joint custody exists or only one parent has parental authority)
  • School reports
  • Information on absences
  • Medical reports / medical certificates / statements and findings
  • Support planning and other reports
  • Career roadmap (completed career explorations / taster days / profession / company)
  • Information on training / comments / social behavior etc.
  • Involved specialist agencies (schools, teachers, school inspectorates, Office of Social Services, medical practitioners / specialists, therapists, Office of the Public Prosecutor, Courts of law, etc.)
  • Care hours
  • Image and video data
  • Any other data required for the enforcement of school law (SchulG, SchulOV and the legal bases mentioned under point V.)
  • Data on religious affiliation
  • Health data (sick notes, information on learning disorders, school support measures, behavioral problems, etc.)

Data on religious affiliation can be processed, for example, for the organization of religious education (subject ethics and religions) (Art. 80a para. 2 SchulG)

Health data (sick notes) may also be processed in connection with absences

Pupils' health data (e.g. information on learning disorders, behavioral problems, etc.) may also be processed in connection with measures under the SchulFMV.

For teachers and school staff, data on criminal convictions (Art. 10 GDPR) and health data may also be collected.

If the data is not collected directly from the data subjects in person, the information on the personal data comes from the ZSD (Central Master Data FL).

The Office of Education only transfers personal data to other public bodies or to its processors in cases required and permitted by law.

Depending on the processing activity, the recipients of your personal data may be:

  • Other public authorities such as

- Office for Vocational Training and Career Counseling

- Office of Social Services

- Office of Statistics

- Migration and Passport Office

- Social security bodies

- Fiscal Authority

  • Courts of law and Office of the Public Prosecutor
  • School board / municipal school board
  • Commissions of experts
  • Recognized research institutions
  • Communes as responsible bodies for kindergartens and primary schools
  • Public and private schools
  • Transport company LIECHTENSTEINmobil
  • Liechtenstein National Library
  • Publishers of teaching materials / providers of digital teaching materials

The Office of Education and the Liechtenstein National Library, as joint controllers, have concluded an agreement specifying which of them fulfills which obligation under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The essence of this agreement can be found below via this privacy policy:

[PDF] Data protection declaration of the Liechtenstein National Library and Office of Education


The transfer of personal data to a third country generally takes place on the basis of an adequacy decision by the EU Commission in accordance with Article 45 GDPR, e.g. when transferring personal data to Switzerland

The storage period for data processing is based on special legal requirements regarding retention periods or the Archiving Act and the applicable archiving guidelines. The deletion concepts are based, among other things, on the applicable archiving guidelines.

The statutory storage period for data processing is generally based on the Ordinance of November 27, 2018 on the Management and Administration of Files in the Liechtenstein National Administration (LLV File Management Ordinance LLV-AVV, LGBl. 2018 No. 264) and the special legal requirements on retention periods in the Archiving Act, LGBl. 1997.215.


Once the purpose of the data processing has been achieved and the deletion of your data does not conflict with any statutory retention periods, usually 10 years after the dossier has been closed in accordance with the Persons and Companies Act (PGR), LGBl. 1926.004, the personal data will generally be added to the respective deletion concept.

If you have any questions about data protection at the public schools in the Principality of Liechtenstein or about your rights as a data subject or your child, please contact the Office of Education at the address below or contact the data protection officer of the public schools by telephone or e-mail with the addition "Data protection":

Tel: +423 236 61 47 

The Office of Education and the Liechtenstein National Library, as joint controllers, have concluded an agreement specifying which of them fulfills which obligation under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The essence of this agreement can be found below via this privacy policy:


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