- Pregnancy & Birth
- Children and teenagers
- Family, Marriage & Partnership
School and study
- Schools
- Pupils
Education / Types of schools
- Structure of the education system
- Kindergarten
- Elementary school
- High school
- Realschule
- High school
- Vocational baccalaureate school
- Voluntary 10th school year
- Liechtenstein Sports School
- Timeout school FL
- Day schools
- Special education day school Schaan
- Music school
- Art school
- Vocational schools
- Higher Education
- Private schools / Foreign schools
- Intensive Course German as a Second Language (IK DaZ)
School support measures
- Gifted and Talented
- Special education
- Supplemental Instruction
- German as a second language
- Intensive German as a Second Language Course
- Special promotion
- Speech therapy
- Psychomotor
- Early remedial education
- Measures for sensory impairments
- School Social Work
- Timeout school
- School family counseling
- School Psychology Service
- External use of school facilities
- Curricula
- School administrators
Vocational training
- Academy for Trainers IBK
- Vocational training with vocational certificate BA
- Vocational training with diploma FZ
- Vocational qualification for adults
- Work Guidance for young people
- Vocational School Agreement
- Professional baccalaureate
- BIZ app
- Apprenticeship vacancies
- Golden book
- Coordination office for young top athletes
- Career guidance for adults
- Study Guidance
- Funding
- Internships abroad
- Topics and projects
- Offene Stellen
- Versicherung
School and study
Profession & Workplace
- Job loss and search
- Rights and duties
Commercial register
- Establishment
- Public limited company
- Special legal forms
- Sole proprietorship
- European Company
- European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
- Cooperative society
- Limited liability company
- General partnership (Open partnership)
- Limited partnership
- Registered trust enterprise
- Foundation
- Trust relationship
- Association
- Legal name and name clarifications
- Company index / Excerpt from the Commercial Register
- Deposit with the Commercial Register
- Preliminary procedures
- Residence in Liechtenstein without gainful employment
- Residence in Liechtenstein for gainful employment
- Insurance
- Dangerous Goods Officer
- Innkeeper exam
- Public Labour Law
- Taxes
Building & Living
- Building permit - eBuilding application
- Building project
- Energy / Energy Office
- Equal opportunities
Land and property
- Official estimates
- Construction lien
- Establishment of condominium ownership
- Easements
- Land register excerpts
- Real estate liens
- Advance inheritance
- Purchase
- Exchange
- Donation
- Parcel divisions and associations
- Pre-emption, purchase and repurchase rights
- Official cadastral survey (AV)
- Geodata portal
- PLR-cadastre
- Land transfer
- Permit traffic facilities
- Housing/Moving/Renewal
Mobility, Travel & Abroad
- Stay abroad
Driving license
- My way to the driver's license
- e-driving license
- Chauffeur Licensing Ordinance (CZV)
- Computerized theory test (CUT)
- Digital tachograph
- Driving Instructor
- Driver's license in credit card format
- Categories
- Life-saving immediate measures (emergency helper card)
- Learning aids for the theory exam
- Medical checkup
- International driver's license
- Learner's permit
- Practical driving test
- Theory exam
- Transcription of foreign driving license
- Loss driver's license
- Forms
- Vehicles
- Control plates
- Driver with disability
- Special permit
- Immaterialgüterrecht (Markeneintragung, Urheberrecht)
- Administrative measures (ADMAS)
- Electronic communication
- Radio frequencies and installations
- Tourism and accommodation
- Border crossing and movement of goods
Health, Prevention & Care
- Electronic health dossier
- Treatment and care
Health and prevention
- Health Report
- Workplace health promotion (BGF/BGM)
- Preventive medical checkup
- Child and adolescent dental care
- Vaccination
- Travel medicine
- Sexual health
- Heat and health
- Movement
- Nutrition
- Health promotion in communities
- Projects - sponsored by the Office of Health
- International Lake Constance Conference IBK
- Addiction
- Addiction Prevention
- Diseases and risks
- Insurance
- Mental health
- Identity & Law
Migration and integration
- Residence permit
- Naturalization
- Immigration
- Equal opportunities
- Commitment & Culture
Recreation, Environment & Animal Husbandry
- Waste disposal
- Biological safety
- Chemicals
- Energy use
- Hunting and wildlife
- Agriculture
- State forestry enterprise
- Noise, sound, laser, radiation
- Forest, nature, landscape, climate
- Water / aquatic ecology
Animal husbandry
- Pets and wildlife
- Farm animals and horses
- Registration of animals and animal husbandry
- Keeping of animals subject to authorization
- Proper handling of animals, animal welfare
- Animal welfare notification to the ALKVW
- Travel with pets
- Animal transport
- Import and export of animals
- Carcass disposal
- Animal Welfare representative
- Food and consumer protection
- Sports
- Environmental impact
- Emergency & Disaster
- Death & Estate
Helpline FDFA
The Helpline of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year at + 41 800 24-7-365 (Skype: helpline-eda) and is also available to Liechtenstein citizens.
The FDFA Helpline provides information on:
- the services provided by Switzerland's representations abroad in connection with identity documents, registration abroad, civil status, citizenship, legalisations (authentications), attestations and certifications, inheritance and estate matters, pensions and social welfare, collateral, etc.,
- the current security situation at travel destinations abroad,
- general questions concerning emigration and life abroad.
For Swiss and Liechtenstein citizens travelling or living abroad who experience an emergency, the FDFA Helpline is a first contact point for coordinating support from their families and friends in Switzerland or Liechtenstein as well as from the relevant representations.