Official salary statement form
The flexibilization and individualization of salary concepts have led to a sharp increase in fringe benefits. The official salary statement is designed in detail and thus facilitates the declaration of fringe benefits.
A guide and brief instructions are available to help you fill out the salary statement.
Companies (up to a maximum of 80 employees) that do not have their own program for creating the salary statement can use the application "eLohnausweis". This tool facilitates the completion of the wage statement form and the payrolls can be submitted electronically to the Fiscal Authority.
Because the Liechtenstein wage statement is largely identical to the Swiss wage statement, the Fiscal Authority continues to accept the Swiss wage statement.
Further information can be found at online desk.
eLohnausweis, Applikation
Lohnausweisformular / Rentenbescheinigung (nur Ansichtsformular - verwenden Sie bitte zum Ausfüllen den eLohnausweis)
Österreichische Arbeitnehmer in Liechtenstein (Grenzgänger), Beiblatt
Lohnausweis, häufigste Fragen
Lohnausweis, Kurzanleitung
Lohnausweis, Wegleitung