14/05/2020: Allocation of mobile communications frequencies

According to the Liechtenstein Frequency Allocation Plan, the following additional frequency ranges are available for the provision of public nationwide mobile communications services for technology-neutral use:

  • 703-733 MHz / 758-788 MHz (2 x 30 MHz)
  • 738-753 MHz (15 MHz)
  • 1427-1517 MHz (90 MHz)
  • 3410-3800 MHz (390 MHz)

The allocation of this available frequency spectrum is supervised by the Office for Communications as the competent regulatory body and is based on Art. 123 of the Ordinance on Identification Means and Frequencies in the Electronic Communications Sector, according to which a selection procedure is carried out pursuant to Art. 33 of the Electronic Communications Act in conjunction with Art. 122 para. 2 and Art. 135 para. 2 of the above-mentioned Ordinance.

The three mobile network operators operating in Liechtenstein – Telecom Liechtenstein AG, Salt (Liechtenstein) AG and Swisscom (Switzerland) AG – take part in the selection procedure.

The Office for Communications reports on the results upon completion of the allocation procedure.

Last amended: May 2020
