03. Juli 2024 - Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit ZSD

Liebe Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner, Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten sind die Onlinedienste der LLV am 03.07.2024 ab 19:00 Uhr bis ca. 20:00 Uhr nur eingeschränkt verfügbar. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis Freundliche Grüsse Amt für Informatik

Rules of conduct and hygiene

How can you continue to protect yourself against the new coronavirus?

The campaign so we protect ourselves  of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), with which Liechtenstein works closely, provides information on how best to do so. Continue to pay attention to the observance of hygiene rules and proper behavior!

Keep your distance
You can become infected with the new coronavirus if you have had close contact with an infected person. By keeping the necessary distance (at least 1.5 meters), you protect yourself and others from infection. Protect particularly at risk persons in your environment by keeping your distance. Observe any visiting rules of the nursing homes and hospitals

Wear mask if possible, if spacing cannot be maintained
Masks greatly reduce the risk of infection. Wear a mask ( an FFP2 mask if possible) if you cannot maintain clearance for extended periods of time or repeatedly.

Wash hands thoroughly.

Avoid shaking hands.

Cough or sneeze into handkerchief or crook of arm.

How you can implement the rules of conduct and hygiene is clearly shown by the BAG on its website.

If you do not yet have adequate vaccination protection: consider vaccination.