Municipal Master Plan
The municipal structure plan, which is based on the national structure plan, regulates the long-term spatial development of a municipality. It shows the strategy for spatial development and is designed for sustainability. The municipal structure plan serves various purposes:
- Serves as a guiding and management tool for spatial development for the municipal authorities
- shows the medium- to long-term conceptual dispositions for spatial development
- mutually coordinates the concepts of the country with the municipalities
- ensures an overall view of the projects with spatial effects planned at the municipal level in the medium to long term and thus contributes to informing the population
In the municipal structure plan, due to its strategic and conceptual character, content is presented, which can not (yet) find entry in the zoning plan, on the one hand, because of the lack of project maturity and long-term nature and, on the other hand, because of the binding nature of the landowner. In contrast to the zoning plan and the building regulations, which are binding on landowners, the municipal structure plan is binding on the authorities. Binding on the authorities means, for example, that projects or building applications which conflict with the development intentions laid down in the communal structure plan can be approved by the authorities, possibly subject to conditions or by means of special use planning (e.g. the preparation of development or design plans). Upon approval by the government, the community development plan also becomes binding for the state authorities.
The required Strategic Environmental Assessment is also conducted for the Municipal General Plan.