Accident Insurer

Register of Insurers Authorized in Liechtenstein to Provide Compulsory Accident Insurance

In accordance with Article 57 of the Law on Compulsory Accident Insurance (UVersG), insurers conducting compulsory accident insurance must be listed in the register, which is maintained by the Office of Public Health.

Insurers are included in the register upon request if they:

A) are licensed as accident insurers under the Insurance Supervision Act; B) commit to appropriately providing accident insurance under this Act; and C) agree to participate in the contract among insurers as outlined in subsection 3.

As per Article 80b of the Ordinance on Compulsory Accident Insurance, an application must be submitted to the Office of Public Health by June 30 of each year for compulsory accident insurance to be effective from the beginning of the following year. The application, along with the necessary documents demonstrating compliance with the requirements under Article 57 UVersG, must be submitted in writing and in triplicate.

The Office of Public Health will scrutinize the application, and if all requirements are met, an entry is made in the register. In the event of refusal, the insurer is informed by order.

The contract among insurers includes provisions for the joint implementation of compulsory accident insurance in accordance with Article 81 of the Ordinance to the UVersG (UVersV).


Register of insurers licensed in Liechtenstein to provide compulsory accident insurance

Application for entry in the register of insurers licensed in Liechtenstein to provide compulsory accident insurance

Contract pursuant to Art. 57 of the Law on Compulsory Accident Insurance (UVersG) and Art.81 of the Ordinance to the Law on Compulsory Accident Insurance (UVersV)



Contact persons