"August 28, 2024 - Maintenance Work on Electronic Official Gazette and Training Account

Dear Residents, Due to maintenance work, the online services of the LLV (Liechtenstein National Administration) will be only partially available on 04.09.2024 from 7:00 PM to approximately 8:00 PM. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards, Department of Information Technology

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Women and men who have admitted that alcohol has become a problem for them meet in a local AA group. Anonymity is the top priority. Apart from your first name, you don't have to disclose anything in a meeting if you don't want to, no address, no profession, no details of your religious denomination, etc.

Anyone who wants to can speak openly in the meetings about their minor and major difficulties in life, their fears, anger and problems at home or at work. Everyone listens to each other. As all the members are alcoholics themselves, they provide each other with the necessary understanding - while always maintaining anonymity. This is what the slogan "Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave, please leave it here" stands for.

The meetings take place weekly in Vilters-Wangs. You can find more information and dates here.

24-hour hotline: +41 848 848 885
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.anonyme-alkoholiker.ch

Further meetings take place weekly in Feldkirch. You can find more information and dates here.
Phone: +43 664 488 82 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.anonyme-alkoholiker.at/vorarlberg