18. December 2024 - eVertretung: Scheduled maintenance work

Dear residents, Due to scheduled maintenance work, eVertretung will not be available on Wednesday, 18 December from 13:00. The following eServices are affected: eVertretung, my.llv.li, eZusellung Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards Office of Information Technology

Malbun Youth Center

Jugendhaus Malbun

The Malbun Youth Center (1455 m above sea level) was officially opened in 1971 and completely renovated in 2014. The result is a modern and bright building for exciting school and youth camps, which also focuses on sustainability


Youth house Malbun
Malbunstrasse 34
FL-9497 Triesenberg

Reservation / Booking

Office of Education
Gerhard Hasler
P.O. Box 684
FL-9490 Vaduz

[email protected]

+423 236 67 56

Features / prices

3D tour of the Malbun youth center 

The 3D tour of the Malbun Youth Center can be accessed via the external website of Unique Service Partners AG. By clicking on the image, you will leave the Office of Education's website. Data protection information is provided by the external website provider, Unique Service Partners AG. Data processing is outside the area of responsibility of the Office of Education

Contact persons