Short-term residence permit (L)
Legal basis:
Art. 15 and Art. 16 of the Act on the Free Movement of Persons (PFZG, LGBl. 2009 No. 348) apply to EEA and CH nationals
Art. 13 in conjunction with Art. 25 of the Foreign Nationals Act (AuG, LGBl. 2008 No. 311) apply to non-EEA and non-Chinese nationals
Scope of application:
All nationals who are gainfully employed in Liechtenstein and do not reside in the immediate border area and cannot pursue gainful employment as cross-border commuters. The L permit entitles the holder to reside in the FL for a maximum of 12 months.
The application must be submitted completely and correctly to the Migration and Passport Office no later than 14 days before the planned start of employment. For persons who are subject to visa requirements, we recommend submitting the application earlier so that the planned entry date can be met.
General information:On expiry of the L permit, you must leave the country regardless of any entitlements (e.g. unemployment insurance, etc.). An L permit can only be issued to non-EEA and non-Chinese nationals if they are managers, specialists and other qualified employees who have completed an apprenticeship or have many years of professional experience (Art. 14 AuG in conjunction with Art. 5 ZAV).
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Wohnsitz in Liechtenstein zur Erwerbstätigkeit (L,B)Laws
EWR-Ausschuss - Kundmachung des Beschlusses Nr. 191/1999 des Gemeinsamen EWR-AusschussesContact persons
general inquiries [email protected] +423 236 61 41