External comments on consultations
In this section you will find the external comments on the following consultation reports and the corresponding reports and motions:
Report and motion of the Government to the Parliament of the Principality of Liechtenstein concerning the amendment of the Asset Management Act (VVG) and the amendment of other laws - BuA 106/2023
Liechtensteinischer Anlagefondsverband LAFV
LNR Lorenz Nesensohn Rabanser Rechtsanwälte
VuVL Verein unabhängiger Vermögensverwalter in Liechtenstein
Report and motion of the Government to Parliament concerning the amendment of the Persons and Companies Act (PGR), the Notaries Act (NotarG), the Legal Security Ordinance and the E-Government Act (E-GovG) - BuA 80/2023
Liechtensteinische Staatsanwaltschaft
Liechtensteinische Notariatskammer
Liechtensteinische Treuhandkammer
VP180a -Verband dere Personen nach Art. 180a PGR
Report and motion on the legislative amendments in the course of the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 13 December 2006 (Disability Rights Convention) - BuA 74/2023
Verein für Menschenrechte in Liechtenstein VMR
Datenschutzstelle Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Liechtensteiner Behinderten-Verband
Report and motion of the Government to the Parliament of the Principality of Liechtenstein concerning the amendment of the Token and VT Service Provider Act (TVTG) and other laws - BuA 73/2023
Universität Liechtenstein - Professur für Bank- und Finanzmarktrecht
Universität Liechtenstein - Professur für Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, Compliance und Digitalisierung
Universität Liechtenstein - Professur für Gesellschafts-, Stiftungs- und Trustrecht
Report and motion of the government to parliament concerning the law on the minimum taxation of large groups of companies (GloBE Act) as well as the law on the amendment of the law on state and municipal taxes (Tax Act; SteG) - BuA 65/2023
Report and motion of the Government to Parliament concerning the amendment of property law (public-law land charges) - BuA 63/2023
Report and motion of the Government to Parliament concerning the amendment of the Legal Assistance Act (European Public Prosecutor's Office) - BuA 59/2023
Report and motion of the Government to Parliament concerning the amendment of the Law on the Marketability of Goods (Implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/515) - BuA 58/2023
Report and motion of the Government to Parliament concerning the enactment of a law on the authorisation of space activities and the registration of space objects (Space Act; WRG) - BuA 40/2023
Liechtensteinische Staatsanwaltschaft Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Concerning the issues raised by the amendment of the Emissions Trading Act (EHG) - BuA 15/2023
Concerning the amendment of the Building Act (BAUG), the Energy Efficiency Act (EEG) and the Energy Performance Certificate Act (ENAG) - BuA 14/2023
Wirtschaftskammer Liechtenstein
Concerning the creation of a law on cyber security (Cyber Security Act; CSG) and amendment of the Complaints Commission Act - BuA 09/2023
Beschwerdekommission für Verwaltungsangelegenheiten
Liechtensteinische Treuhandkammer
Liechtensteinischer Bankenverband
Wasserversorgung Liechtensteiner Unterland
Wirtschaftskammer Liechtenstein
Concerning the amendment of the General Civil Code and the Partnership Act (equality of same-citizen couples in adoption law) - BuA 125/2022
Infra Informations- und Beeratungsstelle für Frauen
Staatsgerichtshof des Fürstentums Liechtenstein
Verein für Menschenrechte in Liechtenstein VMR
Vereinigung Liechtensteinischer Richter VLR
Total revision of the Financial Equalisation Act (FINAG) and the determination of factors (K) and (H) for the financial equalisation period 2024 - 2027- BuA 116/2022
Concerning the amendment of the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure (response to the motion on the amendment of criminal law concerning the level of penalties for child sexual abuse and the possession of child pornographic material) - BuA 112/2022
Fachgruppe Schutz vor sexuellem Missbrauch
Fürstlicher Oberster Gerichtshof
Liechtensteiner Rechtsanwaltskammer
Staatsgerichtshof des Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Verwaltungsgerichtshof Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Vereinigung Liechtensteinischer Strafverteidiger
Report and motion of the Government to Parliament concerning the creation of a Postal and Parcel Delivery Services Act (PPG) - BuA 109/2022
FMA Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein
Liechtensteiner Industrie- und Handelskammer
Verwaltungsgerichtshof Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Report and motion of the Government to Parliament on the enactment of a law implementing Directive (EU) 2019/2162 on European covered bonds (EuGSVG) and the amendment of other laws. - BuA 104/2022
FMA Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein
Datenschutzstelle Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Liechtensteinischer Bankenverband
Liechtensteinische Treuhandkammer
Liechtensteinische Industrie- und Handelskammer
Stabstelle für Finanzplatzinnovation und Digitalisierung
Vereinigung liechtensteinischer gemeinnütziger Stiftungen und Trusts e.V.
Verband der Personen nach Art. 180a PGR
Verein unabhängiger Vermögensverwalter in Liechtenstein
Wirtschaftskammer Liechtenstein
Report and motion of the Government to Parliament concerning the total revision of the Professional Qualifications Recognition Act as well as the amendment of the Trade Act, the Construction Professions Act, the Health Act, the Medical Practitioners Act, the Animal Health Professions Act, the Trustees Act, the Patent Attorneys Act, the Services Act and the Trade in Goods in Circulation Act (transposition of Directive 2013/55/EU as well as Directive (EU) 2018/958 and implementation of the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/983). - BuA 088/2022
Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein (FMA)
Liechtensteinische Industrie- und Handelskammer (LIHK)
Liechtensteinische Rechtsanwaltskammer
Liechtensteinische Treuhandkammer
Liechtensteinischer Verein dipl. ErnährungsberaterInnen (Ivde)
Physiotherapeuten-Verband Fürstentum Liechtenstein (PVFL)
Wirtschaftskammer Liechtenstein
Concerning the amendment of the Court Fees Act (State Court ruling on StGH 2021/043) - BuA 081/2022
Fürstlicher Oberster Gerichtshof
Liechtensteinische Rechtsanwaltskammer
Concerning the amendment of the Energy Efficiency Act (introduction of a minimum remuneration for electricity from photovoltaic systems) - BuA 079/2022
Liechtensteinische Gasversorgung
Liechtensteinische Gesellschaft für Umweltschutz
Solargenossenschaft Liechtenstein
Vereinigung bäuerlicher Organisationen im Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Concerning the amendment of the Trademark Protection Act as well as other laws (implementation of Directive (EU) 2015/2436 on trademarks) - BuA 056/2022
Liechtensteinischer Patentanwaltsverband
Concerning the creation of a law on family assistance Liechtenstein - BuA 053/2022
Fachstelle für häusliche Betreuung & Pflege
Liechtensteinische Alters- und Krankenhilfe
Liechtensteinischer Krankenkassenverband
Liechtensteiner Patientenorganisation
Datenschutzstelle Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Amendment of the EEA Securities Prospectus Implementation Act, the Banking Act, the Asset Management Act and the EEA Securitisation Implementation Act (package of measures for the recovery of capital markets) - BuA 052/2022
Liechtensteiner Versicherungsverband
Wirtschaftskammer Liechtenstein
Amendment of the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Public Prosecutor's Act, the Legal Assistance Act and the Juvenile Courts Act - BuA 030/2022
Verein Liecht. Stafverteidiger
Amendment of the Partnership Act and the General Civil Code - BuA 019/2022
Amendment of the Railway Act (EBG; implementation of EU directives) - BuA 018/2022
Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung
Amendment of the Persons and Companies Act (PGR) and other laws - BuA 017/2022
Amendment of the Posting of Workers Act to implement Directive (EU) 2018/957 amending Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services - BuA 015/2022
Wirtschaftskammer Liechtenstein
Amendment to the Act on the Official Valuation of Land and Buildings - BuA 97/2021Amendment to the Act on the Official Valuation of Land and Buildings - BuA 97/2021
Amendments to the Judicial Appointments Act and the Public Prosecutor's Act (implementation of recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption - GRECO - within the framework of the fourth evaluation round). - BuA 096/2021
Liechtensteinische Industrie- und Handelskammer
Liechtensteinische Rechtsanwaltskammer
Liechtensteinische Treuhänderkammer
Vereinigung Liechtensteinischer Richter
Wirtschaftskammer Liechtenstein
Implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector and Regulation (EU) 2020/852 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investments (EEA Financial Services Sustainability Implementation Act; EEA-FND Act) and an Act on the amendment of the Financial Market Supervision Act. - BuA 090/2021
Amendment of the Banking Act (BankG) - BuA 089/2021
Beschwerdekommission der Finanzmarktaufsicht
Einlagensicherungs- und Anlegerentschädigungs-Stiftung
Untying of earmarks - BuA 088/2021
Amendments to the Civil Law Mediation Act (ZMG), the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) and the General Civil Code (ABGB) - BuA 074/2021
Liechtensteinischer Bankenverband
Liechtensteinische Ingenieur- und Architektenvereinigung
Liechtensteinische Industrie- und Handelskammer
Liechtensteinische Rechtsanwaltskammer
Liechtensteinische Treuhandkammer
Vereinigung der Buchhalter Büchersachverständigen und Steuerberater in Liechtenstein
Vereinigung liechtensteinischer gemeinnütziger Stiftungen und Trusts e.V.
Verein unabhängiger Vermögensverwalter in Liechtenstein
Wirtschaftskammer Liechtenstein
Amendment of the Disability Equality Act (transposition of Directive (EU) 2016/2102 on barrier-free access to websites and mobile applications of public bodies) - BuA 068/2021
Gehörlosen Kulturverein Liechtenstein
Heilpädagogisches Zentrum des Fürstentums Liechtenstein
Informations- und Beratungsstelle für Frauen
Liechtensteiner Behinderten-Verband
Liechtensteinische Alters- und Krankenhilfe
Verein für Menschenrechte in Liechtenstein VMR
Amendment of the Hunting Act - BuA 056/2021
Beck Christian, Jagdaufseher Revier Triesenberg
Jagdgesellschaft Lawena-Valüna
Jagdgesellschaft Pirschwald-Maurerberg
Liechtensteinische Gesellschaft für Umweltschutz
Ökologischer Jagdverein Liechtenstein
Tierschutzverein Liechtenstein
Amendment of the Environmental Protection Act- BuA 045/2021
Liechtensteinische Gesellschaft für Umweltschutz
Total revision of the Act on the Central Register of Persons (ZPRG) - BuA 024/2021