Electronic auction
In open and restricted procedures, as well as in negotiated procedures with prior publication, the contracting authority may conduct an electronic auction for the award of a contract above the thresholds, provided that the content of the tender documents, in particular the technical specifications, can be described with sufficient precision. The electronic auction may also be conducted for contracts to be awarded on the basis of a framework agreement or a dynamic procurement system (Article 25c, paragraph 1 ÖAWG or Article 36a, paragraph 1 ÖAWSG). The further provisions are regulated in Article 28b ÖAWV or Article 33b ÖAWSV.
Online counter
Inhaltsverzeichnis Gemeinden, Einrichtungen des öffentlichen und privaten Rechts
Inhaltsverzeichnis Land
Inhaltsverzeichnis Sektoren Unternehmen
Internationale Bekanntmachungen für Auftraggeber "Sektoren Unternehmen"
Internationale Bekanntmachungen für Auftraggeber Land, Gemeinden, Einrichtungen des öffentlichen und privaten Rechts
Kundmachung Schwellenwerte ÖAWGContact persons
Wendelin Lampert [email protected] +423 236 6270
Dr. Andrea Quaderer [email protected] +423 236 6278