Coordination office for young top athletes

The Office for Vocational Education and Career Counseling (ABB) is committed to reconciling sport and education and therefore supports top athletes who want to complete a vocational training (apprenticeship) or decide to study.

After comprehensive support during compulsory schooling, the aim is to enable prospective top athletes to receive further support in the process of choosing a career or course of study and during the apprenticeship or study period.

The accompaniment and support of the coordination office includes:

  • Information and diagnostic clarification;
  • Support and assistance in finding apprenticeships;
  • Funding of secondary vocational schools;
  • Support and assistance in the selection of a university;

In order to succeed with this project in the field of basic vocational education, the ABB relies on companies interested in sports. Interested providers of education in professional practice (training companies) can contact the ABB directly in this regard. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the specifics of selecting top athletes.
