Contaminated sites
Polluted sites are operated or abandoned disposal sites (landfills or impoundments of polluted material) and operational and accident sites where waste was deposited or leached.
Contaminated sites are polluted sites that lead to harmful or nuisance effects on the environment or where there is a concrete danger of this. Contaminated sites must be remediated!
In order for a building project on a contaminated site to be approved, the developer must demonstrate that his project is feasible from the point of view of waste and contaminated site law. For this purpose, a contaminated site consultant must be consulted at an early stage, who will accompany the construction project and document the measures taken.
Depending on the classification of the site, a preliminary investigation or expert guidance may be necessary.
For construction projects on contaminated sites requiring investigation, a preliminary investigation must be conducted.
A preliminary investigation includes a historical and, if necessary, a technical investigation.
The SBB report template system has proven to be effective. Please adopt these guidelines when structuring your reports.
The above report templates can be found here
Abgabe zur Sanierung von Altlasten (ASAG)
Abgabe zur Sanierung von Altlasten (ASAV), Verordnung
Altlasten-Verordnung (AltlV)
Gewässerschutzgesetz (GSchG)
Umweltschutzgesetz (USG)
Contact persons
Karoline Dietrich [email protected] +423 236 6188