Legal matrimonial property regime
In Liechtenstein, unless otherwise agreed, there is separation of property during an ongoing marriage. This means that husband and wife remain the sole owners of the assets they have contributed. Any assets acquired during the marriage also belong to each partner alone. For example, the wife's savings remain her property. It does not matter whether she brought the savings into the marriage or acquired them during the marriage
If you have specific questions in this regard, please contact:
- Court Interns of the FL District Court, tel. (+423) 236 65 31; (+423) 236 65 32; (+423) 236 65 48 or (+423) 236 63 05
- INFRA, Information and Contact Point for Women, tel. (+423) 232 08 80
- Men's Affairs Unit, Information and Contact Point for Men, Women and Couples, tel. (+423) 794 94 00, [email protected]
- Liechtenstein-based lawyers
Attorneys resident in the Principality of Liechtenstein are responsible for drawing up marriage contracts (prenuptial agreements). Prenuptial agreements relating to property may be concluded before or after marriage.