Technical documents and instructions for the Cadastre of Public Law Restrictions on Landownership (PLR-cadastre)
Guidance from the Government
Both the ÖREBKG and the ÖREBKV provide for technical specifications and detailed determinations to be made by the government.
According to Art. 4 of the PLR-cadastre ordinance, the government has to define the depth of information of the cadastre with an interdisciplinary framework model for the cadastral data, which in particular contains the minimum structure for the data models. According to Art. 13 para. 4 of the PLR-cadastre law, the government also regulates the details of the creation and presentation of extracts. According to Art. 13 of the PLR-cadastre ordinance, it may issue directives in this regard as well as declare directives of the Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) to be applicable.
The following directives from Switzerland have also been declared applicable to Liechtenstein by the government:
P PLR-cadastre PLR-web-service (call an extract)
Recommendations of the body responsible for the cadastre
According to Art. 11 ÖREBKV, the body responsible for the cadastre can specify standards for the provision of data. The following specifications and recommendations have been given so far: