A foundation consists in legally and economically independent special-purpose assets which are formed as a legal person through the unilateral declaration of intent of the founder. The founder allocates the specifically designated foundation assets, stipulates the purpose of the foundation, which must be entirely non-self-serving and specifically designated, and also stipulates the beneficiaries.
Possible foundation purposes are public-benefit purposes or private-benefit purposes. In particular it comes into question as private benefit foundations the pure family foundations or the mixed family foundations. Public-benefit foundations shall be subject to the supervision of the Foundation Supervisory Authority. The same shall apply to private-benefit foundations which are subject to supervision pursuant to a provision in the foundation deed.
Public-benefit foundations must be registered in the Commercial Register; private-benefit foundations may be entered in the Commercial Register, but they shall be entered in the Commercial Register if they conduct business in a commercial manner on the basis of a special law.
Fact sheets of the STIFA department
The Office of Justice does not draw up deeds or contracts, except drawing up the public deeds required by law and providing assistance with the submission.
If required, please contact the Liechtenstein Bar Association or the Liechtenstein Chamber of Trustees.