EURO license goods and passenger transport / driver's certificate
Cross-border carriage of passengers or goods by road for hire or reward within the European Economic Area
We distinguish between commercial and private transport. In private transport, only the general road traffic regulations and the regulations on vehicles apply (see Office for Road Traffic).
For commercial transport of persons and goods in the European Economic Area, the regulations applicable there must be complied with. The Office of National Economy is responsible for this.
The following regulations concern the commercial cross-border transport of goods by road (transport against payment). A transporter's license is required for this.
- the license for the international transport of goods in the EEA and Switzerland (with vehicles over 6 t total weight or over 3.5 t payload)
- the driver's certificate for drivers from third countries
The following regulations concern the commercial cross-border transport of passengers by road (transport against payment). For this purpose, a transporter's license is required.
- the license for international passenger transport in the EEA and Switzerland (with vehicles with more than nine seats including the driver's seat)
- the driving record booklet and
- Special documents for regular and works transport
Liner services, public transport with fixed stops, are subject to licensing. Licenses for a cross-border regular service must be applied for at the Office of Building and Spatial Planning.
Applying for a License
The license is issued by the Office of National Economy to Liechtenstein transport companies. Interested parties apply for the issuance of the Euro license by means of application form and provide proof that the requirements under trade law and licensing law have been met.
Applicants for a license shall receive as many certified license copies as they can prove they have vehicles as full property or under another right, in particular from installment purchase, rental or leasing contract.
Application for additional license copies
For the application of additional license copies after issuance of the Euro license, the form License copy application is to be used. The evidence specified therein must be provided.
More information
Merkblatt über die Lizenz der Europäischen Gemeinschaft für den gewerblichen Güterkraftverkehr im Rahmen der Gemeinschaftslizenz
Merkblatt über die Lizenz der Europäischen Gemeinschaft für den gewerblichen Personenkraftverkehr im Rahmen der Gemeinschaftslizenz
Driver's Certificate
The driver attestation is valid as an identity document in the European Economic Area and in Switzerland for drivers who are nationals of third countries (outside the EEA)
The driver attestation confirms that the employed person has been employed in accordance with the Liechtenstein legal and administrative regulations and in accordance with the wage and work agreements of the Liechtenstein transport industry in order to carry out carriage by road there.
Prerequisite, application
The driver's certificate is issued to Liechtenstein transport companies that have a valid Euro license for cross-border road haulage within the EEA, for their drivers who have an existing residence permit (see Ausländer- und Passamt).
For drivers, proof of social insurance registered or existing in Liechtenstein must also be provided. The proof of health insurance can come from the EEA state in which the driver resides, if the cross-border commuter permit is valid.
Interested persons submit their application with official driver's certificate - application for issuance to the Office of National Economy.
Issuance, cost
Driver's certificates are issued for a maximum of five years, but not longer than the validity of the Euro license of the company concerned and not longer than the period of validity of the employment contract as well as the residence permit in Liechtenstein.
A driver's certificate costs CHF 50 (original for the driver). The certified copy for the transport company costs CHF 20.
For more information, see:
Leaflet on the Driver Attestation for Commercial Goods Transport under the Euro License (Community License)
Online counter
Euro-Lizenz für den grenzüberschreitenden gewerblichen Güter- oder Personentransport im EWR und in der Schweiz, Antrag zur Ausstellung
Fahrerbescheinigung - Antrag auf Ausstellung
Zulassung als Strassentransportunternehmen und die grenzüberschreitenden Personen- und Gütertransporte auf der Strasse (Strassentransportgesetz; STG)
Zulassung und die Ausübung der Tätigkeit als Strassentransportunternehmen im Personen- und Güterverkehr (STUV), Verordnung
Contact persons
Sotirios Ioannidis [email protected] +423 236 68 93