
Parking facilitation for persons with walking disabilities (parking card)

Application form for a parking card

We kindly ask you to fill in the application form completely and send it together with a colored passport photo and the medical report to the Office for Road Traffic, Gerwerbeweg 2, 9490 Vaduz.


Application form

Medical certificate

Definition of walking disability

A significant walking disability is expressed in the fact that the walking-impaired person permanently or temporarily locomotion on foot is possible only up to about 200m, or with special aids or with the help of an escort. The nature of the walking disability must be certified by a medical certificate.

Use and application of the parking card

The parking card is issued to the person with walking disabilities or to an organization and is not transferable. The use of the parking card is only allowed in the context of the actual transportation of persons with walking disabilities.

Parking privileges apply only to the extent that there are no free parking spaces open for unrestricted general use for an unlimited period of time within reasonable walking distance of the parking space, even if they are subject to a fee. Consideration shall be given to the needs of cargo handling when utilizing the easements.

Application of the parking card

The parking card must be clearly visible, placed in the parked vehicle behind the windshield.

Validity / Duration

The parking card is temporary and valid for a maximum of 5 years. The parking card is recognized in the Principality of Liechtenstein and in countries that have joined the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (CEMT)


Parking tickets for persons with walking disabilities are free of charge.