Mobile communications studies / workshops

ENORM Study – part 1 (in German)

ENORM Study – part 2 (in German)

ENORM Study – part 3 (in German)

Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN – mobile communications

World Health Organisation WHO – electromagnetic fields

Mobile communications information brochure

Information brochure short version (700 kb; in German)

Mobile communications brochure detailed version (6.95 Mb; in German)


Electrosmog in daily life (6.9 MB; in German)

Mobile communications NIR workshop of 6 December 2004

The Office of Environment is responsible for ensuring compliance with the limits specified in the Ordinance of 9 December 2008 on Protection against Non-Ionising Radiation (NISV).

Programme (108 kb; in German)

Presentation Wuschek (1.1 Mb; in German)

Presentation Virnich (3 Mb; in German)

Presentation Georges (300 kb; in German)

Presentation Aufdereggen (4 Mb; in German)

Presentation Oberfeld (2.6 Mb; in German)

Presentation Berz (4.3 Mb; in German)
