18. December 2024 - eVertretung: Scheduled maintenance work

Dear residents, Due to scheduled maintenance work, eVertretung will not be available on Wednesday, 18 December from 13:00. The following eServices are affected: eVertretung, my.llv.li, eZusellung Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards Office of Information Technology

Asylum procedure

The first step is for the APA to interview the person and their travel route, during which the EURODAC fingerprint system is used to check whether the person concerned has already applied for asylum in another Dublin country. If there is one or more hits, the Dublin procedure is initiated.

If Liechtenstein is responsible, the APA conducts one or more interviews to check whether the grounds for asylum are credible and - if this is the case - whether refugee status under the Asylum Act is fulfilled. The purpose of interviewing the asylum seeker is to establish the facts relevant to the decision on the asylum application or the credibility of their existence. All asylum interviews are conducted with the help of an interpreter in the asylum seeker's native language and in the presence of a representative of a relief organization. Asylum seekers are obliged to cooperate in establishing the facts of the case and must disclose their identity, provide relevant documents, state relevant grounds for asylum, identify and submit any evidence and cooperate in the collection of biometric data.

During the asylum procedure, the APA carries out the clarifications necessary for the asylum decision to establish the facts of the case. Finally, the government makes a decision on the asylum application. If it recognizes the refugee status, the person concerned is granted Asylum Division and thus a residence permit in Liechtenstein. If the government rejects the asylum application or if the application is rejected by the responsible member of the government due to inadmissibility, the person is usually ordered to leave Liechtenstein and the order is enforced.

Asylum seekers who are not granted Asylum Division in Liechtenstein but whose removal is not possible (technically impossible), not permissible (concrete danger: e.g. violations of the European Convention on Human Rights) or not reasonable (e.g. due to war or serious personal hardship) are granted temporary admission for a period of one year. Thereafter, the reason for temporary admission or the possibility of removal is reviewed again.

The Asylum Ordinance contains supplementary provisions on the asylum procedure in cases of gender-specific persecution, for unaccompanied minors and victims of torture, which take into account the psychological condition and age of these persons.

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