18. December 2024 - eVertretung: Scheduled maintenance work

Dear residents, Due to scheduled maintenance work, eVertretung will not be available on Wednesday, 18 December from 13:00. The following eServices are affected: eVertretung, my.llv.li, eZusellung Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards Office of Information Technology

Universities and colleges

The following tasks fall within the remit of the middle and higher education sector:

Middle school sector
  • Supervision and management of the school boards of the Liechtenstein Grammar School and the Liechtenstein Vocational Baccalaureate School
  • Chairing the teaching commissions of both schools for the supervision of teachers at the teaching level
  • Performance dialog, further training, job and timetable planning in collaboration with the school management
  • Hiring, induction and dismissal in collaboration with the school management
  • Involvement in the design and implementation of pedagogical and/or organizational adjustments to educational policy objectives as well as evaluations
  • Dealing with problem cases that cannot be dealt with at school level
  • Supervision of teaching at the upper secondary school of the Formatio private school
  • Involvement in the general quality assurance and development of schools and the school system

Higher education

  • Participation in the "councils" of the Liechtenstein universities (University of Liechtenstein, Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein)
  • Treatment of applications for authorization to run a university in Liechtenstein
  • Involvement in quality assurance and development in accordance with the Higher Education Act
  • Coordination of higher education matters with Switzerland (representation of the country on the University Council of the University of Applied Sciences Buchs NTB, Case Processing in matters concerning the University of Applied Sciences Eastern Switzerland, the Intercantonal Agreement on Universities of Applied Sciences and Universities of Applied Sciences, etc.)
  • Observing international developments and initiating the necessary processes in Liechtenstein (especially the Bologna Process)
  • National contact and information point for university issues
  • Contact point for Liechtenstein and abroad as NARIC agency (National Academic Recognition and Information Center) regarding clarification of the equivalence of school-leaving certificates and university degrees

National office EURYDICE of the network "Information Network on Education in Europe" of the European Union

Contact person