Energy use

The Office of the Environment is concerned with the use of energy in particular vov geothermal energy, deep geothermal energy and the use of heat from water. Heat pumps (air) are mainly relevant in terms of noise 

For more information on energy, visit the Energy Office of the Office of National Economy.

For the construction of facilities for the use of geothermal energy with geothermal probes, a permit from the Office for the Environment is required. The quantitative and qualitative protection of groundwater sets limits to geothermal probes.

Suitability map for geothermal probes

The map divides the populated area into the following areas:

  • green area, where geothermal probes are allowed up to 150 meters. For geothermal probe systems, which reach deeper than 150 meters, further clarification by the Office for the Environment is necessary.
  • yellow area, in which geothermal probes are permitted based on clarifications by the Office for the Environment and with special conditions.
  • red area, in which geothermal probes are not permitted.

On properties which are touched by a zone boundary (green - red; green - yellow; yellow - red), further clarifications are required. The same provisions apply as in the yellow zone.


The application for the use of geothermal energy must be submitted directly to the Office for the Environment, Dept. of Environmental Protection.

Application for geothermal probe permit

Instructions for filling out the application form

One application must be submitted for each heat pump installation.
Special requirements for probe sites:

  • If the probe location is closer than 3 meters to the property boundary, the consent of the neighboring landowner must be attached to the application.
  • If the probe location is closer than 3 meters to a road or lawn boundary, the consent of the municipality is required.

The Office for the Environment recommends for the execution of the geothermal probe(s) a drilling company that is a member of the "Seal of Approval for Geothermal Probe Drilling Companies" (Seal of Approval List Geothermal Probe )

Only products in accordance with Annex A6 "List of heat transfer fluids" of the enforcement aid "Heat recovery from soil and subsoil" (BAFU 2009) may be used as heat transfer media.


When drilling boreholes for geothermal probes, deep interventions are made in the subsurface, which can lead to unexpected events and also to damage, despite careful preliminary geological investigations.

Merkblatt über besondere Risiken bei Erdwärmesondenbohrungen

Contact persons

Ground registers, heat baskets, energy piles

Earth registers, heat baskets, energy piles do not require a permit from the Office of the Environment, but must be reported.

The following requirements must be met:

  • Use only outside water protection areas and protection zones of spring and groundwater wells.
  • For ground registers and heat baskets, a distance of 2 meters from the highest possible groundwater level must be maintained.
  • Energy piles that extend into groundwater are treated as installations in groundwater in accordance with water protection legislation.
  • Only heat transfer fluids that do not endanger water may be used (list of refrigerants and heat transfer fluids according to Article 8 of the Ordinance of July 1, 1989 on the Protection of Waters against Liquids Hazardous to Water).
  • When decommissioning such systems, the heat transfer fluid must be flushed out and disposed of properly.

Contact persons

As part of the Air Action Plan and the Energy Strategy 2020, Liechtenstein is investigating whether there are hot water-bearing rock layers deep underground that could be used in the future for heat supply and electricity production. In the last five years, various investigations have been carried out in this regard.

The government's report, which was discussed in the state parliament session of November 22, 2012 (BuA No. 129/2012), summarizes the work done so far and describes the further procedure

Report No. 129/2012

Contact persons

The use of public waters beyond the common and owner use requires a concession of the government. This includes in particular the extraction of drinking and service water, the use of hydropower and the use of heat.

Heat use:

The use of groundwater for heating and cooling is only permitted outside water protection areas and protection zones of drinking water catchments, and even there only to a limited extent.

Planned water heating uses are in any case to be discussed at an early stage with the Office for the Environment 

Water power use:

The hydroelectric power plants in Liechtenstein can cover almost 20% of the countrywide electricity demand. The most significant power plants are:

  • KW Samina, Vaduz
  • KW Lawena, Triesen
  • KW Mühleholz, Vaduz
  • Drinking water power plant Schlosswald, Vaduz
  • KW Letzana, Triesen

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