03. Juli 2024 - Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit ZSD

Liebe Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner, Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten sind die Onlinedienste der LLV am 03.07.2024 ab 19:00 Uhr bis ca. 20:00 Uhr nur eingeschränkt verfügbar. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis Freundliche Grüsse Amt für Informatik

Animal health and diseases

Animal keepers are obliged to keep their livestock healthy and to care for it, and to report any suspicion of disease immediately (Art. 61 of the tIierseuchenverordnung). With various biosecurity measures, they can prevent the spread of diseases and prevent

  • new diseases or pathogens are brought into the farm or animal husbandry, 
  • the spread of diseases on the farm or in animal husbandry,
  • a spread to other farms or animal husbandry takes place, 

Other persons subject to notification:

Livestock inspectors, meat inspectors, animal health service employees, inseminators, slaughter personnel, and police and customs officials, owners and lessees of fishing rights, and fisheries control bodies.

Animal diseases according to Art. 1 Tierseuchenverordnung are either controlled or monitored by the state. The measures can range from surveillance measures to the eradication of the animals. Depending on the purpose of the government measures, animal diseases are classified into one of the following four categories:

HOST INFECTING ANIMAL DISEASES - (African swine fever, avian influenza)


ANIMAL DISEASES TO BE CONTROLLED - (Leptospirosis, Brucellosis, Foulbrood of Bees)

ANIMAL DISEASES TO BE MONITORED- (listeriosis, campylobacteriosis)

The absence of disease in relation to various animal diseases to be eradicated must be monitored and documented. This surveillance is based on epidemiological principles and surveillance programs derived from them. This is an important pillar of animal health surveillance.

Each year, samples are taken from farm animals  and examined in recognized diagnostic laboratories   Depending on the disease and animal species, samples are taken on farms, at milk collection and/or at slaughterhouses. The results of the surveillance help determine whether measures for control need to be taken or adapted.

Animal owners play a key role in combating animal diseases: they must immediately report any suspicion of an animal disease to a veterinarian. Fulfilling the obligation to notify is the beginning of any disease control.

The working procedures for disease control are ind laid down in the emergency documentation of the federal government and the cantons (including the Principality of Liechtenstein). Disease control

Domestic bee colonies are threatened by various diseases, the early detection, prophylaxis and control of which are carried out with government support:



Little Hive Beetle


Report to the bee inspector or the Food and Veterinary Office if you suspect your flock has the disease.

Measures to take when bee diseases occur
  • Determination of restricted areas (foulbrood and sourbrood) or protection and surveillance zones (small hive beetle). This is a circular area with a 1 km radius around a disease outbreak.
  • Ordering specific measures and a movement ban for apiaries located within the designated restricted area.
Notice to move bees

Since moving bees to a location within a designated restricted area is prohibited. Beekeepers are obliged to check before moving bees, that the intended location is not in a designated restricted area.

Designated bee exclusion areas on the geodata portal 

Stay vigilant. 
Poultry farmers must report signs that their animals are infected with avian flu to a vet. Symptoms include, for example, excessive cases of illness or death, a drop in laying performance or a reduced intake of water or feed.

The following regulations apply:

  • Prevent contact between domestic poultry and wild birds.
  • Restrict access to animals to the minimum necessary and enter animal enclosures only with clean hands, clothing and shoes.
  • As a precaution, do not touch the carcasses of wild birds. Report their discovery to the Wildhut, the provincial police or the Office of Food Control and Veterinary Affairs.

The measures for poultry farms apply to both livestock, as well as hobby farms. The registration of poultry farms is mandatory for all even for farms with only a few animals.


Contact persons