How should a system be built?
In order not to demand additional work from the companies with the creation of papers, the proof can also be provided in a simplified way. For this purpose, the companies are divided into four categories depending on the existing special hazards and number of employees:
The proof of the measures taken according to points 3.1 and 3.3 is provided by e.g.
- the implementation by means of an individual, industry, operating group or model solutions;
- the presence of technical measures, personal protective equipment and necessary safety signs (warning, emergency and safety signs);
- Certificates (e.g. certificates, course certificates) on the professional, education and training;
- insofar as necessary, proof of the involvement of specialists in occupational safety (safety engineer, occupational physician, occupational hygienist).
A proof with simple means according to point 3.2 should credibly represent that concrete measures have been taken (eg on the basis of completed checklists, evidence of measures taken, protocols, training documents, oral information, etc.).
The safety system summarizes the most important requirements in the field of occupational safety and health protection into a handy working tool. For the employer and the safety specialists, this system is a practical aid in fulfilling their responsibilities and continuously improving safety and health in the company.
First and foremost is the employer's commitment to safe and healthy workplaces and the will to put the corresponding requirements into practice in everyday work.