Completed consultations
Please note that most documents found in the sub-sections are in German.
- Update of the RIO template
- Market Analysis of Wholesale central access for the mass-market products
- Market analysis of the local loop market
- Market analysis access to the telephone network
- Market analysis fixed network origination
- Market share statistics
- RIO template
- Market analyses of mobile termination and fixed network termination
- Fixed network charges (M1) of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
- Universal fixed network telephone service
- Baseline and planning for the 2019+ market analysis
- Wholesale offer "Access to the public telephone network via VoIP" of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
- Number portability round table on 29 November 2017
- Cost calculation model of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
- Consultation on lifting the obligation to operate public pay telephones (Publifone)
- Public consultation of the wholesale offer "Bit-Stream-3" of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
- Public consultation on the wholesale offer VoIP Whitelabel FL of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
- Public consultation on the draft Decree concerning access to the HFC network of Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke
- Statements on reference offers (TAL, KOL) & rates
- Reference offer core network
- LKW cost calculation model
- Statements on the reference offer for physical network access (M4)
- Draft Decree on reference offer Collocation
- Draft Decree on LKW rates
- Draft Decree on reference offer ULL
- Reference offer for physical network access (M4) – ULL (copper)
- Reference offer for physical network access (M4) – Collocation
- Reference offer for physical network access (M4) – CATV
- Wholesale offer for CPS (M1)
- Reference offers origination and termination (M2/M3)
- CPS/CS obligation for Connecta
- Reference offer for broadband access (M5)
- Reference unbundling offer (RUO)
- Reference offer for access via VoIP
- Public consultation on allocation of mobile communications frequencies
Online services
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