Financial benefits

General requirements

The entitlement to financial benefits is subject to certain conditions. The benefits of victim assistance are basically subsidiary, i.e. they are only granted if no other cost bearer such as the offender or perpetrator, insurance companies, etc., provides no or insufficient benefits.

Within the framework of counseling, the victim has the possibility of postponable assistance / immediate assistance as well as longer-term assistance. Under certain conditions compensation can also be claimed.
Cost contributions for longer-term assistance from third parties and material compensation are dependent on the financial circumstances of the person making the application. The income levels are regulated according to the Supplementary Benefits Act of the AHV/IV/FAK.


Applications for compensation under the Victim Assistance Act must be submitted within 5 years of the crime 
For minor victims of a sexual offense, the time limit does not begin until the victim reaches the age of 18.
If the victim or his/her relatives have asserted civil claims against the offender in criminal proceedings before the expiry of the aforementioned time limits (private participation), they may file a claim for damages within one year after a final decision on the civil claims or on the discontinuation of the criminal proceedings (Art. 24, para. 3).

For questions regarding the assumption of costs by victim assistance please contact us. Appropriate application forms can be requested from the victim assistance office.