School statistics

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2020/2021

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2019/2020

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2018/2019

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2017/2018

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2016/2017

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2015/2016

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: school year 2013/2014

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2012/2013 (24 kb)

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2011/2012 (47 kb)

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2010/2011 (57 kb)

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2009/2010 (46 kb)

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2008/2009 (5 kb)

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2007/2008 (5 kb)

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2006/2007 (5 kb)

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2005/2006 (4 kb)

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2004/2005 (4 kb)

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2003/2004 (7 kb)

School statistics for the Principality of Liechtenstein: School year 2002/2003 (7 kb)