Third-country freight transport Austria
For the commercial transport of goods between a third country and Austria, Liechtenstein transport companies require a permit. A third country is defined as states that are not members of the EU. Transports between Austria and Switzerland do not require a permit.
Trips from a third country to Austria or from Austria to a third country are considered third-country transports. Liechtenstein does not need to be entered for these transports.
Prerequisite, application
On application, Liechtenstein transport companies receive third-country permits for Austria if they have a valid Euro license for international road haulage in the EEA and meet the requirements under trade law and licensing law.
Permits are applied for at the Office of National Economy by means of application form for a specific period of time. The permits have a year printed on them. They are valid until the end of January of the following year. A permit can only be used for one round trip.
Until further notice, these permits are issued free of charge.
For more information, see:
Merkblatt über den Drittlandverkehr mit Österreich
Zulassung als Strassentransportunternehmen und die grenzüberschreitenden Personen- und Gütertransporte auf der Strasse (Strassentransportgesetz; STG)
Zulassung und die Ausübung der Tätigkeit als Strassentransportunternehmen im Personen- und Güterverkehr (STUV), Verordnung
Contact persons
Sotirios Ioannidis [email protected] +423 236 68 93