Contracted Hospitals and Licensees

The health professions practiced in Liechtenstein are regulated by the provisions of the Health and Medical Act and its associated ordinances. The currently applicable laws can be accessed at: However, it is essential to note that admission to practice a health profession is distinct from admission to compulsory health insurance. The Liechtenstein Health Insurance Association's website ( provides up-to-date information about individuals and companies authorized for compulsory health care insurance.

Due to Liechtenstein's inability to ensure its own provision of inpatient hospital services, these services are procured through contracts with foreign hospitals, in accordance with Article 16c of the Health Insurance Act. The government is responsible for concluding these contracts.

In this section, you will find a comprehensive list of all outpatient individuals and companies licensed to practice a health profession in Liechtenstein. Additionally, a list of hospitals with which contracts have been established within the framework of compulsory health insurance is provided.

Contract Hospitals of the Principality of Liechtenstein

The government enters into tariff agreements with treatment institutions essential for the care of insured individuals. Treatment institutions that have a concluded tariff agreement are recognized as approved service providers, as stipulated in Article 16c, paragraph 7, of the Health Insurance Act.

contract hospitals

Spitalliste Akutsomatik FL und CH

Spitallist Rehabilitation


Reference Rates 2018 

Reference Rates 2019

Reference Rates 2020

Reference rates 2021

Reference rates 2022

reference-tariffs 2023
