Legal basis and topics
Legal basis
The legal foundation for the Cadastre of Public Law Restrictions on Landownership (PLR-Cadastre) is the Act on the Cadastre of Public-Legal Property Restrictions (Law on the cadastre of public-law restrictions on landownership (ÖREB-Katastergesetz; ÖREBKG) and in the Ordinance on the Cadastre of Public-law Restrictions on Landownership (ÖREB-Katasterverordnung; ÖREBKV) (ÖREBKV)
Topic areas
The topics of the PLR-cadastre are defined in the annex of the Geoinformation Ordinance (GeoIV) of August 30, 2011, LGBl. 2011 No. 433. The topics can be assigned to the following six categories:
- Planning (zoning plan, noise sensitivity, overbuilding and design plans)
- Water (water protection areas Au, water protection areas, protection zones and protection areas)
- Noise (noise sensitivity levels)
- Forest (forest reserves, special forest areas)
- Nature and landscape protection (nature reserves, landscape protection areas)
- Pollution (Polluted sites, is not yet available)