Reference systems

General information

The Liechtenstein national survey and thus the entire surveying and mapping system is based on the Swiss national survey LV95. The projection system for the Swiss surveying system is the oblique angular cylindrical projection with its Origin Bureau in the old observatory in Bern. The Origin Bureau of this coordinate system was defined by the coordinates Y=0 and X=0. For practical reasons, the origin coordinates were changed (Y=2,600,000 m and X=1,200,000 m).

For more information on the principles of the Swiss surveying system and the basic fixed point network, please visit the Internet-Portal des Bundesamts für Landestopographie.

Liechtenstein reference system (position reference system)

Liechtenstein has joined the Swiss cadastral surveying reference system for all surveying work. Since the end of 2020 the reference frame  LV95 has been used for all spatial data. Further information on the LV95 reference frame can be found in the section Guidelines and documents.

Land leveling (height reference system)

The Liechtenstein national level is attached to the Swiss national level of 1903 and refers to a height mark in a rock in the harbor basin of Geneva, the Pierre du Niton, with a height of 373.60 m above mean water in the port of Marseille. Derived from this reference point, various level-determined contour lines were measured, the fixed points of which form the reference network for the LN02 service heights valid in Liechtenstein

3-Dimenisonal reference systems and reference frames


Liechtenstein relies on the global and local reference systems of the Swiss national survey. Thanks to a precisely defined transition to the global systems, precise positioning is possible with the modern local reference systems.

The following reference systems in particular are used in Liechtenstein:

  • CH1903+: Reference system of the new national survey 1995
  • CH1903: Reference system of the old national survey 1903
  • CHTRS95: Swiss Terrestrial Reference System 1995

    The LV95 frame of reference


    Figure: the LV95 frame of reference

    The LV95 reference frame is the new basis for all surveying work to be carried out. LV95 guarantees the accuracy and reliability of coordinate determination even for surveying tasks using the latest methods and instruments, e.g. GPS or GNSS. The coordinate values in relation to LV95 are designated E (easting) or N (northing).