Drinking water production
The Office for the Environment exercises supervision over drinking water extraction areas. These are protected by spatial planning. Information on the location and extent of the water protection areas, protection zones and protection areas are shown below.
The municipalities build and operate the facilities for drinking, service and firefighting water supply.
Information about the origin, treatment and assessment of drinking water at their place of residence can be obtained at:
Protected zones
The groundwater and spring protection zones of the municipalities are filed below as orthophotos and situation plans with the corresponding ordinances.
Overview plan of groundwater and spring protection zones
Groundwater protection area "Äule-Neugüeter"
Groundwater protection zone and area "Rheinau"
Groundwater protection zone "Heilos" Balzers/Triesen
Spring protection zones "Am Alpweg",
"Wissa Stä", "Egg" and "Sattel"
Source protection zone "Wisseler", "Efiplanken", "Tännlegarta" and "Rudabach"
Groundwater protection area
"In the dam-Garnetsch-Undera Hälos"
Spring protection zone "Mountain forest"
Spring protection zone "Balischguad" and "Bim Brunna"
Source protection zone "I da Rieter"
Spring protection zone "Wasserchopf", Malbun
Groundwater protection zone "Neugut"
Groundwater protection area "Neufeld"
Spring protection zone "Snow Escape"
Groundwater protection zones "Oberau" and "Spetzau"
Spring protection zone at the "Maurerberg"
Purchase irrigation water from hydrants
The Liechtensteiner Wasserwerke provide drinking water to agriculture for the irrigation of agricultural crops.
The leaflet describes the procedure for drawing water from hydrants. It was prepared jointly by the water suppliers, the Office for Food Control and Veterinary Affairs (ALKVW) and the Office for the Environment (AU). For the application to draw water from hydrants for irrigation, the form must be submitted to the relevant water utility.
Gewässerschutzgesetz (GSchG)Contact persons
Elija Kind [email protected] +423 236 7594