Energy reference area (EBF)
The energy reference area AE is the sum of all floor areas above and below ground for the use of which heating or air conditioning is necessary.
(see also: Infoblatt Ermittlung Energiebezugsfläche)
The energy reference area (abbreviation: EBF, symbol: AE) is defined in the standard SIA 416/1, chapter 3.2 (previously: standard SIA 380/1, edition 2001, appendix F). The energy reference area AE is the sum of all floor areas above and below ground, for the use of which heating or air conditioning is necessary.
Floor areas with a clear room height of less than 1.0 m do not count towards the energy reference area AE (for details, see SIA 416/1, Section 3.2.2). The energy reference area AE is measured gross, that is, from the outer dimensions including limiting walls and parapets.
Rooms belonging to the EBF
The floor areas corresponding to the main usable areas AHNF , the circulation areas AVF (except vehicle circulation areas including vehicle ramps and vehicle elevators) and the areas of sanitary rooms and checkrooms (parts of the ancillary usable areas ANNF) are included in the energy reference area, provided that these areas are located within the thermal building envelope.
This also applies if they are not heated such as:
- Stairwells and corridors, if closed off from outside air
- Bedrooms (like all other rooms)
- Tinker rooms, disposable rooms, etc.
- Supply and disposal shafts and storage rooms smaller than 10 m2, which are surrounded by rooms that count as part of the energy reference area or by the thermal building envelope, belong to the energy reference area.
Rooms not included in the EBF
The floor areas corresponding to the ancillary usable areas ANNF (except sanitary rooms and checkrooms), the vehicle circulation areas (incl. vehicle ramps and vehicle elevators) and the functional areas AFF are not included in the energy reference area, even if they are located within the thermal building envelope and are heated:
- Storage rooms, laundry rooms, drying rooms
- Vehicle parking areas Passenger areas (platforms, piers incl. associated accesses, stairs and moving walkways)
- Rooms for central technology (rooms in power plants, boiler houses, waste incineration plants, etc.)
- Shelters (rooms for civil defense, even if temporarily used otherwise)
- Rooms for operational facilities for the supply and disposal of the structure itself including the areas directly belonging to the operation for fuels, extinguishing water, waste water and waste disposal,house connection rooms, installation rooms, shafts and ducts
Source: Excerpt from: "Thermal insulation of buildings, enforcement assistance, December 2007 edition of the ENFK, Conference of Cantonal Energy Agencies"