Labeling and information

Whoever supplies food or utility articles to consumers must ensure that all mandatory information can be found on the packaging. If there is no packaging, consumers must have sufficient opportunity to inform themselves.

Food offered on the Internet is subject to the same obligation.

In view of the large number of labeling elements required by food law, correct labeling is a challenge that in many cases can only be met with the support of expert service providers.

Pre-packaged food must be declared with various labeling elements such as product name, ingredients, allergens and dating. The information must be displayed in a clearly visible place in easily legible and indelible writing. In addition, the labeling must not be deceptive.

Art. 3 Mandatory information / Verordnung des EDI betreffend die Information über LebensmittelArt. 4 Presentation of mandatory particulars / Verordnung des EDI betreffend die Information über LebensmittelFSVO-information on the food chain

Consumers have the right to receive the same information on food without packaging as they do when they buy prepackaged food.

However, for food without packaging, the information can also be provided verbally. Exception: for meat and fish, the indication of the country of origin must always be made in writing. In addition, it must be indicated in writing that the information on ingredients that may trigger allergies can be obtained verbally.

Art. 5 - Verordnung des EDI betreffend die Information über Lebensmittel

FSVO - Information open sale

Nutrition labeling may be waived for food without packaging and for artisan food sold directly to consumers or to local food establishments for immediate delivery to consumers.

The sale of goods to customers must always be made according to the net quantity. The net quantity is the amount of a good without any packaging material.

Today, scales with a tare function are used. These allow you to easily - at the touch of a button - deduct the weight of the packaging and sell the goods net.

Scales used to determine mass in trade and commerce must be legal for trade.

The price is an important aspect of the purchase. It must be clearly and legibly labeled so that the consumer can compare different offers and is not misled. 

Also the quantity, of the products sold in the trade must be indicated without exception. The following rules must be observed.

The production of meat using hormonal and non-hormonal substances or the keeping of domestic rabbits and laying hens for egg production in farming systems prohibited in CH/FL is not permitted. FSVO-information

The purpose of protecting certain names for agricultural products is to protect consumers from deception and to prevent unfair competition in the use of these terms.


The details on the labeling of cosmetic products can be found in Art. 8 of the Verordnung des EDI über Kosmetische Mittel.

Disclosure of allergies must in principle be made in writing. Verbal information (Art. 5  Bst. d LIV) may only be provided if:

  1. it is clearly indicated in writing that the information can be obtained verbally,

2. the information is available to the staff in writing or a competent person can provide it directly

According to food law, the following ingredients are considered allergens. These 14 ingredients often cause allergies or other adverse reactions and must be specially highlighted in the list of ingredients:

  • Gluten-containing cereals, namely wheat (spelt and khorasan wheat, rye, barley, oats or their hybrid strains, and products derived therefrom);
  • Crab animals and products thereof;
  • Eggs and products thereof;
  • Fish and products thereof;
  • Peanuts and products thereof;
  • Soybeans and products thereof;
  • Milk and products thereof (including lactose);
  • Hard-shelled fruit (nuts) and products thereof;
  • Celery and products thereof;
  • Mustard and products thereof;
  • Sesame seeds and products thereof;
  • Sulfur dioxide and sulfites in concentrations greater than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l expressed as sulfur dioxide (SO2);
  • Lupins and products derived therefrom;
  • Molluscs and products derived therefrom;

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