LiVE - Records Management Liechtenstein
Compliant and efficient records management is of high importance for the National Administration of Liechtenstein. We document what we do, how we do it and on what basis trough the professional keeping and management of files and records. Our records not only are evidence of our activities and processes, but also trigger actions, steer procedures, provide a basis for decision-making, and preserve internal knowledge.
The division LiVE in the Office of Cultural Affairs is responsible for business and legal requirements of records management and records systems of the National Administration. We support all offices on their way to professional digital records management by aid of the central records system called LiVE (Liechtensteinische Aktenverwaltung). We support them in designing legally compliant digital information flows. We develop specifications and principles for the records system. We supervise the use of metadata and processes. We provide education and support for users.
Monique Jäggi [email protected] +423 236 63 54

We consult in digital records implementing projects, organize training and help with all questions relating to the use and further development of the records system LiVE.
Peter Lötscher [email protected] +423 236 63 48

Lorena Vanoni [email protected] +423 236 63 42

Contact information
Peter Kaiser Square 2
P.O. Box 684
9490 Vaduz
Principality of Liechtenstein
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
08.00 - 12.00
13.30 - 17.00