18. December 2024 - eVertretung: Scheduled maintenance work

Dear residents, Due to scheduled maintenance work, eVertretung will not be available on Wednesday, 18 December from 13:00. The following eServices are affected: eVertretung, my.llv.li, eZusellung Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards Office of Information Technology

Special education day school Schaan

HPZ Organisation Gebäude

The only special school in Liechtenstein is the Sonderpädagogische Tagesschule Schaan, known as part of the Heilpädagogisches Zentrum Schaan (HPZ).

The Foundation for Curative Education in Liechtenstein offers support, guidance, care and various forms of therapy to people with special needs of all ages under the umbrella of the HPZ.

The Special Education Day School is a competence center for increased special educational support and for increased language support.

In addition, the Heilpädagogische Zentrum Schaan also offers outpatient educational therapeutic measures (speech therapy, psychomotor skills and early education).

The special school is recognized under public law and is financed by the state as part of a service agreement with the government.

  • Learners with a significant speech or language problem in the normal gifted range are supported in the speech therapy kindergarten and in the introductory classes. The aim is to enrol them in mainstream school
  • Learners with cognitive or multiple impairments as well as learners with developmental disabilities attend the basic level and support classes. Difficulties in learning, work and social behavior are taken into account through increased special educational support in small learning groups. The aim is to achieve maximum independence.
  • Further information can be found on the homepage of the curative education center in Schaan: www.hpz.li.


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