24/10/2023: Access to the local loop
The Office for Communications (AK) carryies out market analyses of Liechtenstein's wholesale market for physical access to local loops provided at fixed locations. To this end, a national consultation was conducted from 18 July to 28 August 2023. In addition, an information event was held at the Office for Communications on 25 July 2023 for interested providers including a Q&A session. To ensure transparency, the Office for Communications published the received statements and opinions and an evaluation document on its website on 21 September 2023 including comments and answers on each of the statements. The registered providers were informed by the Office for Communications on the same day through a public information document sent directly to them.
The statements did not contain any material points to be considered regarding the market analysis per se, i.e. regarding the market definition, the designation of Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke (LKW) as an operator with significant market power, and the selection of regulatory measures. The providers' statements which the Office for Communications considered to be of significance concerning the reference offer and individual fees were noted in the consultation evaluation and passed on to LKW for consideration.
The international consultation including notification to the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) was initiated on 18 September 2023 and ended with the receipt of ESA's comments letter (available here) on 17 October 2023. With regard to the market analysis per se (market definition, market power, selection of measures) as well as the details of the regulatory measures, ESA's comments did not result in any need for change. On this basis, the Office for Communications sent the relevant Decree on the measures to LKW on 24 October 2023. It became legally binding on 26 October 2023.
The new reference offer and the new charges will therefore apply from 1 January 2024.
Decree LKW 24 October 2023 (in German)
LKW Reference offer 24 October 2023 (in German)