Registration of animals and animal husbandry
Cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, equids (horses, donkeys, mules, hinnies), lamas , alpacas, game birds, dogs, poultry, bee farms and fish farms must be registered. Registration aids in disease control by allowing identification and traceability of animals.
In addition, on farms where cloven-hoofed animals, poultry, bees, parrot birds or aquatic animals are kept, a population control system must be maintained.
The obligation to register is independent of the size of animal husbandry. It also applies to small hobby animal husbandry.
Dog owners must register their animal with the municipality of residence as well as in the AMICUS database.
The municipality of residence manages the personal data of dog owners and registers first-time dog owners with Amicus. The registration of the animal is done by the veterinary practice.
Changes in personal data must therefore be reported to the municipality, while a surrender, takeover, death of a dog, etc. must be reported directly to the AMICUS database.
Farms and persons keeping cloven-hoofed animals must be registered with the Animal Traffic Database (TVD). The registration of a farm is done by the Office for the Environment,
Cattle, sheep and goats must also be registered as individual animals in the TVD. This registration is done by the keeper himself registration deadlines
Farms and persons keeping equids must be registered with the Animal Traffic Database (TVD) . The registration of a farm is done by the Office for the Environment,
Equid owners must registser as such in the TVD and record their animals. Susequently the location of the animals can be reported. Reporting equids Reporting deadlines
The keeping of poultry (also hobby keeping) must be reported to the Food and Veterinary Office.
Large poultry holdings according to Art. 18a Tierseuchenverordnung must report the housing of a new flock to the animal traffic database within ten days.
Fish farms are considered aquaculture operations under animal health legislation if fish are fed, taken or added, and must be registered as animal farms.
Excepted from this are fish farms for purely ornamental purposes (e.g. koi carp in garden ponds, aquariums) and the temporary keeping of caught fish (Art. 21 Abs. 2 Tierseuchenverordnung).
In addition, the following fish keeping may be subject to licensing:
- Fish that grow longer than one meter, sharks or rays
- Fish kept on a commercial scale
Registrierung von Tieren
Agate / Tierverkehrsdatenbank
Identitas Support - Meldung
Contact persons
Meike Junkers [email protected] +423 236 7321