Autism Support Eastern Switzerland

The Autism Support Eastern Switzerland is, among other things, a competence center for parents of children and young people with autism spectrum disorders. For exchange and mutual support, it offers 5 x per year regional, professionally supervised parent exchange meetings in Wil, Buchs, Frauenfeld, Benken and St. Gallen. Further information and the exact dates can be found here.

Affected adults also meet monthly in St. Gallen. The meeting takes place on the premises of the specialist center. Together, the participants find individual ways to improve their social skills in order to appear more confident. The meetings offer the opportunity for mutual contact, the development of social relationships and the exchange of interests in the sense of a leisure get-together. Further information and dates can be found here.

Autism Support Eastern Switzerland
Frongartenstrasse 16
9000 St. Gallen

Tel: +41 71 222 54 54
email: [email protected]